General Education

Top Delivery Driver Skills

General EducationDecember 01, 2023

Top Delivery Driver Skills

我们经济的支柱, commercial delivery drivers are the skilled workers that give us access to anything from food to the products that line store shelves. 他们还负责运送经营企业所需的设备, government agencies, and healthcare services. 

通过追求高强度的教育,如英语 高级卡车驾驶课程, graduates can build the practical knowledge and real-world skills they need to reach their professional goals and enter the workforce with confidence. 

What’s a Delivery Driver?

Delivery drivers are the skilled workers who ensure that consumer and commercial goods arrive safely to their destination. They may work within their local area, driving a car or small truck and making daily deliveries. Those who advance their delivery driver skills by obtaining a commercial driving license (CDL) for large vehicles, trucks, 拖拉机拖车也可以成为长途运输的合格车辆, or over-the-road, trucking opportunities. Over-the-road commercial  driving contracts can take them across the country and even internationally.

安全操作送货卡车需要合适的CDL. 公路商业快递司机需要a级CDL, 这使得他们能够操作拖拉机拖车. 持有B级CDL,司机可以驾驶直货车和运货车. Most local delivery drivers who deliver packages, furniture, and other small shipments need a CDL-B.

这取决于货物的种类, 不管它是易碎的还是易腐烂的, being able to keep to a strict schedule and work efficiently can be essential to the success and satisfaction of both drivers and their employers. 有合适的技能和经验, delivery drivers are able to ensure that both businesses and individuals receive their items on time, performing an essential service in supply chains and business models nationwide. 


Delivery drivers have various responsibilities beyond simply driving from one location to the next. 司机通常需要履行以下职责: 

  • 装卸车辆
  • 安全处理易腐或易碎物品
  • 确保物品被送到正确的地址和客户
  • 按要求付款 
  • 完成和组织文档
  • 按特定的时间表工作的
  • 保持车辆和设备的清洁
  • 与公司调度员沟通时间表和差异


Delivery drivers must have a well-rounded skill set to balance the hard skills of truck driving with the soft skills, such as communication, time management, and administrative tasks. 

1. Time Management

送货司机经常被要求遵守严格的时间表和时间表. Whether they’re transporting fragile or perishable items or they’re simply required to reach their destination by a deadline, they’re responsible for managing their schedule effectively and ensuring that they complete their contract on time.

2. Communication

Being able to communicate professionally and effectively reflects on both the driver and their employer. 无论是与雇主互动还是与客户互动, drivers who are respectful and professional can improve their prospects for long-term or repeat employment. Additionally, delivery drivers must report any incidents or accidents to their company in a timely manner.

3. Problem-Solving

并非所有的合同和交付都顺利进行. 司机可能会遇到各种各样的挑战, 比如机械问题, traffic and route changes, 或者行政方面的挑战. Since drivers often work as independent contractors or complete deliveries on their own, 解决问题是一项重要的交付驱动技能, enabling them to think critically about their options and make important decisions on the road. 

4. Patience and Concentration

Spending hours at a time on the road can be challenging and the way that a delivery driver conducts themselves on the road can have consequences for both themselves and their employer. 虽然这似乎不是一个明显的送货司机技能, maintaining patience and concentration over long periods and regardless of the actions of drivers around them is essential to a commercial driver’s success. 

5. Attention to Detail

Delivery drivers must make sure that deliveries not only arrive on time but also go to the correct address and the correct person; they must also receive payment when required. Drivers who are diligent and pay attention to the details of their deliveries can save themselves a significant amount of time and ensure that their job is done correctly. 


Completing a commercial driving training program can have many benefits for prospective graduates. These programs can provide students with a foundational knowledge of commercial driving and better prepare candidates to earn their commercial driving license. 

Additionally, 通过完成商业驾驶培训计划, drivers demonstrate to employers their dedication to their field and their preparation to take on the many challenges of delivery driving. 加上工作经验, educated and skilled licensed drivers have the opportunity to seek out desirable roles and the benefits or salary that come with them. 


According to the U.S. 劳工统计局(BLS), overall employment for delivery truck drivers is expected to increase by 10% between 2022 and 2032, 高于全国所有职业的平均水平. 通过完成培训十大正规赌博平台大全,提高他们的技能, delivery drivers have the opportunity to improve their earning potential and reach their goals. 


Earning practical delivery driver skills can be the key to beginning a challenging new career as a commercial driver. 有机会为大公司或独立承包商工作, experienced and educated delivery drivers can begin to shape a career for themselves that allows them to balance their personal and professional goals. 

通过获得教育的十大正规赌博平台大全,如  先进的拖拉机拖车驾驶程序从富通, graduates can build the practical skills they need to take control of their future. Designed to prepare graduates for both the licensing process and the challenges they may face in the real world, completing a certificate or diploma program from Fortis can help you get set for success. 发现如何建立一个有前途的未来作为一个送货司机. 

Recommended Readings


U.S. 劳工统计局,送货卡车司机和司机/销售人员
U.S. 劳工统计局,重型和拖拉机拖车司机